Friday, February 19, 2010

Journal entry June 23, 2008
Temptation often carries me unnoticing through the doors of religion where I abandon self and intimate relationship and slip into the motions of pseudo-faith. Here I attempt to build a relationship constructed through what I perceive as being ‘correct’ forms of ‘devotion’ rather than heart-cry passion. Here I put on who I wish I could be in these moments rather than who God created me to be. Such a motion spits in the face of a Creator who desires me to be someone so different from who I might put on to present to him. He longs for me to come approach Him from the center of where am I without hiding, without excuses, without fluffing myself up to impress Him or putting on a character to dazzle Him. He wants the devotion and heart of the woman He made me to be. He wants me to come to Him with my hands open, willing to be taught and
trained; molded and shaped.
Raise your chin, child. Lift up your shoulders. Breathe deep the breath of God and build your confidence of who you are: a daughter of the King. He made you to be someone amazing! Accept the challenge to really live!

1 comment:

shineforhim said...

Thanks Shel. This is what I've been trying to figure out how to put into words. It's a challenge I really needed to hear and a truth I needed to be reminded of. Love you!