It is easy to understand why Christian teachers, preachers and leaders are often called hypocrites. We dare to teach the characteristics of Christ, knowing we will not always exemplify them. We seek to share His message of love aware that selfishness can still become our guide in weaker moments. We long to lead others to the path of Salvation but are forever unable to provide it ourselves.
There is a paradox of ego to contend with. We need confidence that Christ called us to teach and lead yet be free of prideful ego. We need to bow humbly before Christ but stand before the assembled. We need to believe we can deliver a message that may be hard to swallow, all the while knowing it is not our strength that will get us there. Though we need to prepare for the teaching we must allow the Spirit the freedom to deliver it and while an element of performance may be required at times to hold attention, everything must be saturated in truth and honesty or it is meaningless.
It takes courage to admit weakness. In a sense, the only way we can be worthy to share such a message is to admit that we are not worthy of it at all. The only way to not be a hypocrite is to admit that, in this sense, we are. We dare to teach about something we fail at for the glory of God.
How do we not question our ability to do this? How do we not feel like frauds in those moments when even the smallest doubt comes knocking on the doors of our hearts?
As leaders it is terrifying to be aware that personal faltering can affect another’s faith. We have all heard stories of churches being mortally wounded, of believers abandoning hope of a loving Savior upon news of a leader’s moral transgressions. When the messenger is mistaken for the message faith can be easily lost.
We teachers, preachers and leaders cannot provide the salvation, but we can help find the One who can. We are far from perfect and though Christ is in us, we do not always behave that way. Please do not let that deter you who are seeking because any who claim otherwise will only disappoint you.
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